Muni Moving Schedule

The public is invited to celebrate the historic move of Wayzata Bar & Grill and Wayzata Wine & Spirits. “The Muni” opened in 1947 and has become the hometown-gathering place where all are welcome.

Thursday, April 28th
2:00 – 4:00pm
Fond Farewell to 810 Superior Blvd.

4:00 – 4:20pm
Patrons Lead Ceremonial Walk to the New Muni at 747 Mill Street
Ribbon cutting and champagne saber christening at front door

4:20 – 8:00pm
Celebration with wine, beer and spirit tastings

Enjoy Wine, Beer and Spirits Tastings
April 29th and 30th and Thursday-Saturday throughout the Month of May
4:00 – 8:00pm

Profits from The Muni go back into the Wayzata community to maintain parks, roads, lights and more.

The public is invited to celebrate the historic move of the Wayzata Wine & Spirits and Wayzata Bar & Grill. On Thursday, April 28 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. a fond farewell will be celebrated at the current location of the beloved Muni – 810 Superior Blvd. Shortly following, patrons will lead the ceremonial walk to the new location of 747 Mill Street, where a ribbon cutting and champagne saber christening will happen as the front doors are opened for the first time. The new Muni will be open with special tastings and celebration throughout the weekend.

Profits from the Wayzata Wine & Spirits and Wayzata Bar & Grill help fund city parks, streets and lights.

The Wayzata Wine & Spirits and Wayzata Bar & Grill will remain open in its current location at 810 Superior Blvd until Saturday, April 23. It will open in its new location, 747 Mill Street, at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 28.

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Daniel Gustafson & Elisha Gustafson Realtors